Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Adventures of Becoming Holy Spirit Interactive

Can you feel the Lord compelling you, commanding you to produce more fruit. If not don’t worry each believer is at a different point in his or her walk with the Lord. It is written any branch that is connected to the vine will produce fruit and becoming more Holy Spirit interactive is the activity that will encourage us to work a lot closer in heavenly affairs, and to work closer with the Holy Spirit Himself.

Most new in their relationship with the Almighty may not be in a place where, being fruitful is a thought that is necessary. Believe me there are babes that have been in the church for 50 years and will not understand that they should be more fruitful and that doesn’t exclude some in leadership positions.

What is being fruitful, of course there are many definitions. With out a doubt it does mean forward progress. Not only maturing within yourself, as it is written in the Word of God as pertaining to behavioral changes and letting your new light illuminate. But most certainly to become a service to God and to love our fellow man as we love ourselves.

Here in lies the quintessential factor of being a child of God and servant of the Most High. Let’s face it, yes let us face the fact that making disciples of all nations one soul at a time is what the Lord has in mind for us all. No matter what the capacity that we serve in the body now, this is an ultimate goal God for us all. For one man can send a thousand to flight and two can send ten thousand, divine mathematics.

There is excitement in joining the ranks that wins souls for Christ. We will actively engaging in the fight for souls, becoming fishers for men and being wise as serpents and humble as doves in the process. Many will not even know they are the hunted until they are already in our nets. They are being hunted down, persuaded and conquered by the other side in case we may not realize it.

So as this brief thought comes to a close, this has become our opportunity win back which may be lost. By listening and hearing to what the Holy Spirit has to say to us, even through the many distractions of our daily lives.

We should team up by with heaven whom we love, to become more Holy Spirit Interactive, to be guided into all truths. This not only means an abundant life, praising our Father, but to fight a good fight against sin and Satan.

Truly this will place us in the mist of the throne room of God, where Christ is seated at the right hand of power, that we may produce the fruit that has a sweet smelling savor to please Him and make us more productive in the war and adventures between the good, the bad and let us add the ugly (smile), till we meet again.

T. Nathan

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